
San Zay
2 min readDec 8, 2020


Once a day stand with your arms wide and say with joy, I am open and receptive to all the good in-universe and thank you life.

Prosperity and Wealth

  • I am now willing to open unlimited prosperity. I prosper wherever I turn.
  • The Law of Attraction (LOA) brings only good into my life.
  • I express gratitude to all the good things in life.
  • My good comes from everywhere and everyone.

Creativity- Trusting the perfection resides in you is the key.

  • I release all resistance to express my creativity within me.
  • I am a clear thinker and I express myself with ease.
  • My potential is unlimited.
  • I am a joyous, creator expressor of my life.

Relationship and Romance

Treat yourself and show yourself how much you love. Think of sharing, love, acceptance to all of you. Be open and receptive and the universe will respond to the highest goods.

  • From time to time, I ask how can I love you more.
  • I am surrounded by love, all is well.
  • I am greeted by love wherever I go.
  • I am very thankful for all I love, I find it everywhere.

Work, Job

  • Expressing gratitude enables us to grow.
  • Dwell in silence, my job is peaceful heaven, I bless my job with love.
  • No matter where I am, there is only infinite good, infinite wisdom & love.
  • The perfect job is looking for me, Opportunities are everywhere.
  • I deserve to have a successful career, I have unlimited potential.

Stress & Stress-free

  • I let go of fear and doubt, life becomes simple and easy.
  • I slowly breathe in and out & find myself relaxing.
  • I feel more secure each day.
  • I trust to deal with any problems that arise during the day.
  • I realise stress is only fear and I release fear.


Feeling good about yourself, “Confident”. Mirror Work is simply amazing- I love you anyway. Thank you. Choose new thoughts every day.

  • I am worthy of my own love.
  • I am loved and accepted exactly.
  • Life supports me in every possible way.
  • I no longer wait to be perfect to love myself.



San Zay

in mind and in sight 😜 more than mind and body 🤠 saint and human at once 😅